If the current business interruption means you have some extra time, now is the perfect moment to start blogging. Unfortunately, blogging is one of the first things that goes by the wayside when a company is busy, and when that happens a website can feel stagnant and will start performing poorly in online search as it will be scored down by Google.
A website needs looking after, it needs fresh content new images and information that is current and relevant. All of this is essential for visitors to the site, but it is also critical for a website’s online search performance. Blogs can provide excellent website content and are incredibly flexible and are an ideal vehicle by which to do this.
Blogs can be used to showcase:
thought leadership
recent projects
news and developments.
We undertake blogs for many of our clients, writing about everything from technical subjects such as investment castings to a more editorial, lifestyle approach for luxury kitchens.
When approaching a blog, think about the key words of your business and reflect these in the copy; these specifically will help with search. Ideally, a company should be blogging twice a month and providing content that is interesting, current and provides the reader with real value.

Rather than a random series of blogs, it is better to establish an editorial program specifically with blogs in mind. This program needs to be integrated within the overall marketing plan. Blogs should be timely and interesting but at the same time work hard by including keywords and links, all of which will help a site’s online search ranking.
Once the blog is written, it is then important to drive visitors to the site by promoting the blog through other channels. This can be done in a number of ways such as e-shots and posts on social media.
The current lockdown might give you the chance to start blogging for your company, but when things are back to normal and you’re too busy to keep it up, talk to us about how we can help you maintain a regular blogging program on your behalf.
Despite the lockdown, we’re working from home. For more information on how we can help you with your blogging, get in touch by calling 01962 862760 or emailing [email protected].