New Google logo launched

4 September 2015

Adam Richards

Managing Director
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On 1st September Google launched a new logo and branding, evolving their look and feel.

There have been a number of changes over the previous 17 years often launching hand in hand with the addition of different products such as Gmail, Maps, Android, Chrome and Google Plus.

This change follows the last algorithm update in April of this year which prioritised mobile responsive websites in search rankings.

The new Google logo will display seamlessly on the largest through to the very tiniest screens across all platforms and devices. In addition to the improved display it will also work as an animated logo to help you identify and interact with Google whether you are talking, tapping or typing.

Finally, they have changed the small blue ‘g’ icon, replacing it with a blue, red, yellow and green ‘G’ that matches the main logo.

To read the official Google blog click here or alternatively watch their video announcement above.

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