Is your social media strategy working (hard enough)?

2 January 2018

Adam Richards

Managing Director

If you are wondering whether your social media strategy is working well enough for your business, we have written an ebook that you might find useful. To download the ebook, please click here.

It will help you to answer the following questions about your business;

  • How do I compare against the competition?

  • What does best practice look like?

  • Are we on the right social media platforms for our target audience?

  • What content should we be posting?

  • Is what we are doing generating any new leads?

  • How can we expand our audience?

If done correctly, social media can have a major impact on your business in terms of customer engagement and new business acquisition.

Getting it right is not rocket science but does require an investment in time and planning.

Our ebook contains the five key steps we believe need to be taken to make sure you have the foundations for your social media marketing in place.

If you are looking for a Winchester, Hampshire based marketing agency to help you develop and deliver your marketing strategy please get in touch at [email protected] or call 01962 862760.

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