How to boost engagement with Instagram stories

14 June 2021

Adam Richards

Managing Director

With more than 1 billion active monthly users and 62% of people saying they become more interested in a brand after seeing it pop up in their stories, Instagram Stories provides you with 15 second videos to level-up your Instagram strategy and increase your reach and engagement with your followers.

Instagram Stories are a huge opportunity to create fun, engaging and real-time content that you can post on-the-go.

Let’s look at some of the reasons why your business should use Instagram Stories as part of your social media strategy.

4 Reasons your business should use Instagram Stories

  • Instagram stories allows you to post a variety of content that will keep your brand fresh, relevant and keep your customers coming back for more. Examples of content: Launching a new product, new blog updates, advertising a new service, promotional videos or announcing a competition.

  • The whole purpose of Instagram Stories is to help your business increase brand awareness, using a number of features to help you reach a wider audience.

    • Location tags – Geographic location tags makes your brand more discoverable by tagging a city/country or specific location

    • Hashtags – To increase searchability, include popular and relevant hashtag in your captions, comments or posts.

  • With Instagram Stories there are so many ways to increase engagement and expand your reach. Providing your audience with a 15 second snapshot of your brand can speed up the rate at which your engagement and overall growth occurs. Examples of story tactics to explore:

  • With every post or story, you create the opportunity to drive traffic to your feed and website. By using relevant stickers (shopping bag), hashtags, swipe up or prompts (Tap for more) you can create interaction with your customers and drive them to your products, services and blog content.

Waypoint Digital Marketing

Waypoint is a Winchester marketing company specialising in delivering marketing and social media strategies. For more information please contact us at 01962 862760 or emailing [email protected].

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