How to get digital marketing right through lockdown

28 August 2020

Adam Richards

Managing Director

None of us thought we would still be in lockdown after 158 days but here we are. We are now operating in a new normal with working from home still happening across many industries, schools on the brink of returning, sports matches being played with no crowds and us all wearing masks in shops.

So what does the new normal mean for digital marketing?

Many brands have been highly creative during lockdown, adapting and responding to the times to achieve a sensitive balance of supporting customers and key workers whilst not being seen to profiteer from a crisis.

Our clients have responded in a number of ways:

Regular e-newsletters have provided information about changes to services without being overtly salesy. Our client, Drain and Sewer Services, has continued to operate during lockdown, carrying out essential work but has also managed to support key workers with the provision of PPE. A newsletter has proved to be the ideal vehicle to communicate a variety of messages to customers.


E-books have been more popular than ever, providing valuable content with some that directly support issues relevant to Covid-19. On behalf of our client, Strictly Education, we have produced two such books for schools, the first, Understanding and Managing Staff Anxiety post Covid-19, the second Mitigating the Risks of Re-opening schools.

When business is busy, blogs often get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. Essential for SEO as well as showing customers that the business is active and up to date, blogs have had a resurgence during lockdown. One of our clients, Premier Property Search, has seen a big shift in what their clients are looking for. With increased interest and focus on homes with more outside space and home offices they have provided valuable information to clients and prospects through blogging.

Clients have maintained a strong presence across all social media platforms, ensuring that customers who follow them are engaged with despite the strange times.

Continuing to spend on search has paid dividends for some clients generating strong leads. With some advertisers pulling back on spend, some terms which are normally highly competitive have been more cost effective.

Website updates have also been popular as some businesses have been quieter and able to do maintenance, housekeeping and in some cases more major overhauls.

waypoint digital marketing lockdown digital

Some media owners responded cleverly, taking print publications online and offering clients and prospective clients free advertising space. Our client Hobson’s Choice was given the opportunity to do this in House & Lifestyle.

According to Ofcom, the pandemic has radically changed online behaviour, with adults spending an all time high amount of their time online.

All clients want business disruption kept to a minimum so digital marketing has been the perfect way to respond to the challenges presented to businesses through the pandemic.

Please get in touch to discuss your marketing requirements by calling 01962 862760 or emailing We would love to help.

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